Heartbroken to Heart Centered in 6 Simple Steps

Every year, I choose a thematic word as an anchor point for intention setting. My 2021 word is Centered and more specifically Heart Centered. I begin to think about my new word towards the end of the previous year and I was arriving at the word “centered” to represent that I learned a lot from 2020 on what was important and where my priorities lay. While 2020 was a tumultuous year we will never forget, more than specific events, I am reflecting on the many many lessons learned. I feel we have all come out maybe a little bit wiser and to this end I really wanted to take this knowledge and integrate into the very core of my being. Centered… Heart Centered…

Then on January 4th, my father passed away at 83 years old. It wasn't the Coronavirus. My father had slowly been leaving this earth one day at a time since my mother passed away 10 years ago. I lost my mother in 10 days and my father over the course of 10 years. My first instinct was abandonment. Certainly NOT centered. The word “Orphan” came to mind. There was no one left on this earthy planet to love me unconditionally. Untethered, floating alone, heartbroken. But then I stopped, I took a few breaths, I took a few days in silence and then I felt it. That spark in the very center of my being. My soul reminded me of the infinite love that is within us and with divine source.

Heartbreak. If you are still reading, it is because you too know profound loss. It might be because you’ve lost someone that you loved or you've endured the heartbreak of a relationship ending be it either with a loved one such as a partner or spouse, child, brother or sister or even the heartbreak of a deep friendship that is no longer. You are here because you know heartbreak at the soul level. Heartbreak happens at all endings where there was love -be it a job or career, a phase such as raising children or physical death. Covid was one big heart break in a way. I know mothers who were heartbroken over the loss for their children whose rights of passage such as proms and graduation ceremonies were halted… You know I could go on with the “should of happened” heartbreaks - but you all know me well enough by now to now that I am going to say - “when you say should of…. You should ALL over yourself!

Are you ready to take all this heartbreak and use it as alchemy to embrace real change in your life? They say that a broken heart is an open heart so if you're open to it I would like to invite you to listen to my latest podcast where I review my six favorite ways to get you to Your Heart Center and cultivate maybe just a little more compassion for yourself.