Healthy Habits to Live to 100!

The average human life expectancy is 77.8 years.  That seems a bit young to me.  Doesn’t it to you?  However, 10 years ago my mother passed away at 71 and this year my father at 83.  That averages out to 77.  They hit it right on the mark.  So, why am I talking about this?  Well… what I am really much more interested in is uncovering how life expectancy dramatically increased during the course of their lifetime but their mindsets (not to mention their bodies) didn’t keep pace with longevity.  For my parents, life expectancy really INCREASED DURING their lifetime in a way that they didn’t expect.   Let me explain it a little better.  When my parents were in their mid 40s to 50s they both thought living to 70 was old age.  My mother would have been the exact same age as Jane Fonda.  In April, 1982, Fonda released the home video Workout, the first of her many bestselling aerobics tapes. At 42, many of my mom’s peer’s started living a more healthy lifestyle in terms of food, exercise, quitting smoking etc etc and many of them like Jane Fonda ae still around living healthy and vibrant lives at 83 years old.  My mother was still stuck in the Mad Men Era with a fancy cocktail and cigarette in her hands.  

All of this information has got me thinking about the body sheath.  What can I do today to live younger next year?  I have been doing a series of 21 Day Challenges since the start of 2021, which had me pondering about a Healthy Habits 21 Day Challenge to help you live to 100, because there is no reason that you my friend and I shouldn't expect to live well into our 80s , 90s and well let’s shoot for 100!   

Some of my favorite sayings are “you make what you measure “and” it’s more important what you do everyday than every once in a while.”  For the last several years, I have become more and more conscious of how I mindfully spend my time.  It’s also been a quest to have a little more discipline.  Springtime is a great time to plant seeds so let’s use this energy to create some good habits.

Listen to my latest podcast to hear the full 21 Day Challenge. I am listing them here for you (along with a few bonus ideas) so that you can refer to this list and come up with your own personal 21 day challenges for this spring.

1.   Do yoga 3 times a week.  

2.   Do something creative

3.   Tidy up for 10 minutes

4.   Be grateful each day

5.   Save $3 a day

6.   Spend more time outside

7.   Mindful Eating 

8.  Skip meat for a day and get protein from plants

9.   Cut back on sugar.  

10. Stay hydrated!

11.  Cook at home more

12.  Do a 21 minute workout (Switching up Cardio and Weight Training) 

13.  Stretch every day

14.  Keeping a journal

15.  Write a to-do list

16.  Read before bed

17.  Meditate.  

18.  Take deep breaths

19.  Try a new group activity

20.  Volunteer once a week

21. Stick to a regular bedtime with a PM Routine



Use a smaller plate
Eating off a smaller plate can help you eat less. You’ll be more likely to serve yourself healthier portions. Switch to a smaller plate and see for yourself!

Listen to your appetite
It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to realize that your stomach is full. Try eating until you feel satisfied, then take a break and check in with your appetite.

Stock up on healthy food
When your pantry and freezer are stocked with a variety of healthy foods, you’ll have all you need for nutritious snacks and meals.

Count your carbs
Counting carbs can help you keep your blood sugar levels in check. That’s a big deal when it comes to how you feel.

Cut back on salt
Eating less salt may help you feel better, lower your blood pressure, and lower your risk of heart disease. Salt tends to hide in processed foods.

Eat heart-healthy fats
In moderation, unsaturated fats (the good ones!) can help lower your cholesterol. Start replacing bad fats in your diet with fish, nuts, seeds, avocados, vegetable oils, and other good fats.

Cut back on bad fats
You can make a big dent in your cholesterol levels by cutting bad fats out of your diet. Learn the three types of bad fats and how to adjust what you eat to help you stay full without them.

Eat at planned times
When you eat can be just as important as what you eat. Eating the right amount at the right time can help you keep your energy up and your blood sugar levels steady.

Eat heart-healthy fruits
Fit more fruit into your diet, and your taste buds and your heart will thank you! Eating whole fruits can help you feel full longer and avoid the temptation of snacks.

Drink in moderation
Working on drinking in moderation? Cutting back on alcohol can help you improve your sleep, lose weight, and save money. The general rule is up to one drink a day for women.

Avoid alcohol triggers
If you want to drink less alcohol, identifying what triggers your urge to drink is a great first step. Once you’ve done that, make a game plan for how you will handle these triggers.

Stay alcohol-free
Want to cut alcohol out of your life? When you quit drinking you may notice some welcome changes, including feeling more alert, sleeping better, and losing weight.

Tame your tobacco cravings
Want to quit smoking? Take it one day at a time. Identify triggers and quit.

Track your fluids
Good hydration is key for optimal health.

Get moving every week
Starting an exercise routine can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! Exercise can help you feel better.

Take the stairs
Want to squeeze more exercise into your day? Try taking the stairs whenever you can. Building more movement into your daily routines can help you get the benefits of regular exercise.

Take brisk 10-minute walks
A few brisk walks a day can help you boost your mood, sleep better, and lose weight.

Pace yourself
Listen to your body, especially if you are new to an exercise routine. Take your time with daily activities to help you keep your energy up and your breathing steady. Learn how to slow down and take breaks.

Work your core
Your core muscles help with balance, movement, and posture. They are involved in everything from walking to tying your shoes.

Brush your teeth twice a day
Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to help keep your breath fresh and your mouth healthy. Protecting your teeth and gums may also help your heart, your blood sugar, and more. Don’t forget to floss! Flossing regularly can help clear out the food and bacteria that builds up between your teeth. Floss at least once a day to help keep gingivitis away.

Fill your pillbox every week for your vitamins and meds
Try using a 7-day pillbox today and fill it up on the same day each week. That way there's no guesswork and (hopefully) fewer missed doses. Take your medicines on time. Taking your medicines or supplements on time can be the difference between a good day and a bad one. Set up simple alarms or visual reminders to make sure you don’t miss a dose.

Check your blood pressure
If you have high blood pressure, regularly checking your blood pressure at home can help you stay in control of your health and track how your treatment is going.

Make time to unwind
When things are tough and you’re feeling stressed, it’s important to take some time to unwind. Do something you enjoy or that relaxes you.

Check your skin
As we age, our skin changes. Checking your skin is a quick and easy way to spot signs of trouble early.

In my heart I believe that Life isn't about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself. From yoga I have learned the concept of Koshas. Kosha can be translated into “sheath” or “layer” and it refers to the multiple dimensions of our being.

Our five bodies are the Physical Body, Energetic Body, Emotional Body, Wisdom Body and Bliss Body. Much like I did with the guided meditations to reduce stress podcasts, over the next several months I will sprinkle in podcasts to help you learn more about each of these bodies and will have a guided meditation for you to access these subtle dimensions of being.

So my friends, join the 21 Day Girlfriend Challenge and begin creating a firm foundation to create change for happiness in your mind, body and spirit. I can’t wait for you to share with me which healthy habits to live to 100 resonated with you.

The light in me sees and honors the light in you. Namaste!!!