Highest Good Forgiveness Mantra

When you transform your greatest darkness into your greatest gift, that is when the light of your soul is revealed.  Fall invites us to have the power and courage to authentically love ourselves as we explore what is ready to be transformed.  Use this Highest Good Forgiveness Mantra to facilitate letting go and process forgiveness.  

Write out the Highest Good Forgiveness Mantra below.  Recite aloud daily (at least one or more moon cycle).  As you begin, incorporate watching the moon nightly and notice where it is in its waxing or waning phases.  Keep reciting nightly until you have witnessed them all.  Burn and release on the following full moon cycle.  

“If there is anyone or anything that has hurt me in the past knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.

If I have hurt anyone or anything in the past knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it, for the highest good of others and myself.”

Autumn is a time when we take a moment to stop and gather our thoughts in the same way that we once might have collected the harvest.  Fall energy ushers in a period of transition.  It is a time of unwinding, slowing down, just simply being.  Can we follow mother nature’s tone and tempo and change along with her?  It’s time to Turn Off Autopilot.

Click on the above link to be directed to my latest podcast with 6 minute guided meditation because it is time to wake up & clean up the mind space!   Let’s instill emotional balance so we can digest and assimilate all of our life's experiences into our journey towards happiness.  Are you ready to say a final goodbye to all your baggage?  I share these tools in my podcast and on this blog so we do just that.  

By learning from the past and releasing what no longer serves us, we can tap into lightness and ease connecting to the consciousness of our highest selves.

Steps to Moving mindfully to Fall Energy

  1. Do one thing at a time. 

  2. Do it slowly and deliberately. 

  3. Do it completely.

  4. Do less. 

  5. Put space between things. 

  6. Develop rituals. 

  7. Designate time for certain things. 

  8. Devote time to sitting.

It’s Fall Y'all.  

Time to transition towards a place of gratitude and Thanksgiving.   🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁