How to successfully Repot African Violets and the importance of bringing a little bit of nature indoors....

There is a reason why we cut down Christmas trees and bring them inside this time of year.  In my latest podcast, I share a story of lessons I learned from my mother and the healing tradition of sharing African Violets as a way to bring in a little happiness into your life.  

One of my favorite memories of my mother was that she was a green thumb.  One of the things that she grew as houseplants were African violets.   She had several at her kitchen window and was always taking cuttings and successfully re-potting them and giving them as gifts to friends.   I hadn't thought about that in a while but one of my dearest friends just had a birthday and I gave one of these beautiful indoor houseplants.  

My initial reasoning was just this was a great time of year to bring a little nature indoors that would bring her some good cheer throughout the winter months.   The violet symbolizes loyalty, devotion and faithfulness which certainly epitomizes our long lasting friendship.  But I was also thinking of a story that one of my former podcast guests Dr. Kerry Richie shared with me recently about how she had a friend who gave Violets to those that needed healing.  This friend of hers always gave violets with the instructions to the recipients that they should take three leaf clippings from the plant, place them in water and allow them to root.  Then, once rooted plant them in soil and pass along to three other friends that need lifting up.

This really touched my heart. So, I did a little more research on violets and I also found out that in spring violets can also be easily divided and successfully re-potted. There are all kinds of YouTube videos on this.

Violet is the color of imagination and spirituality. It stimulates the imagination and inspires high ideals. In terms of color, violet represents the future, imagination, dreams. Spiritually soothes the emotions, increases our psychic ability, spiritual enlightenment, but yet it holds firmly to the ground.

Violet is the ancient royal color and therefore a symbol of the sovereignty of Christ.  Which makes it a wonderful holiday gift with the tradition of spreading joy three fold.  Violets are very easy house plants to take care of and can have a lifespan up to 50 years.

So, again when I was watching these YouTube videos,  it also struck a chord in me that you take cuttings from the center of the plant.  Thus, you are giving away from the heart of the plant yet the violet remains whole.  This is the same spiritual concept that I am striving myself to do.   We have enough and we can give from a heart place with joy and gratitude.  

So, I am going to encourage you to pick yourself up an African Violet and start spreading some joy! If you need more support, listen to my last podcast episode #31 Opening your Heart to Life’s Journey and keep doing the Vayu Mudra meditation. If this podcast resonates with you, share it with three friends as a “virtual violet.”
