Connecting with Winter Energy

Winter is here and it’s the season of reflection and activating the Water element. Today’s 6 minute meditation fosters slowing down to allow the habitual patterns of the conditioned mind to melt away so we can remember who we are at our deepest level.  This meditation will help support enhanced abdominal breathing in the lower pelvis and abdomen, the seat of the Svadhisthana Chakra - the second Sacral Chakra to support us in flowing with life changes more easily while developing relationships that are authentically nourishing for us.  By bringing the breath into the Sacral Chakra via mudra, we flow with life changes more easily while developing relationships that are authentically nourishing for us.  When you direct the breath and awareness downward into the pelvic region, the relaxation response is activated making this a very calming experience. I hope you will find it as a tool to experience greater fluidity and ease allowing us to journey forth.

The name of the hand mudra is Jala Mudra which means “Gesture of water” for activating the water element. When we think of the element of water, we reflect on its essential qualities including fluidity, hydration, lubrication, nourishment and purification.  

 This meditation and hand mudra cultivates a healthy balance of fluidity and adaptability which are essential for our emotional wellbeing and allows us to flow with the river of life’s stream more easily.  You know the nursery rhyme - “Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.”   Let’s bathe in the water element’s soothing stream.  

 By awakening and balancing the water in our bodies, we enhance emotional fluidity, making this a helpful tool for activating and aligning with the Stream of Life.

Let’s Begin:

  1. Touch the tips of the thumbs to the tips of the little finger of the same hand and extend the other three fingers straight out.

  2. Rest the backs of the hands on your thighs or your knees

  3. Relax the shoulders up, back and down and allow your spine to become naturally aligned.


As you hold this hand mudra, Jala Mudra, take several deep nourishing breaths to tune in to all of the feelings and all of the sensations invoked by this hand gesture.

Take a few moments to notice how your breath gently flows down into your pelvic region, the home of the water element.   Begin to visualize all of the expressions of water within your pelvic region- the lakes and rivers, seas and streams - they all lie here infusing you with the quality of fluidity.

Take several more deep breaths in and several more deep breaths out as you sink down into your pelvis more deeply, connecting and sensing the water’s essential quality of fluidity - nourishing and bathing this area completely.

As your pelvis is completely infused with fluidity, begin to feel this stream of liquid energy begin to flow outwardly to nourish your entire being.

With your next and inhalation attune to the fluid essence within your pelvis and with each exhalation send this dream of liquid healing energy bathing your reproductive system slowly and completely to support its optimal functioning.

With the next inhalation, once again return to the center of your being and with the exhalation, sense fluidity bathing your urinary system from your kidneys down to your bladder with soothing and supporting energy.

On the next inhale attune to your center of fluidity and on the next exhale sense how this quality supports your lymphatic system and helps to remove any residue from the body tissues removing what you no longer need with complete efficiency.

As you take several more breaths, sense how your lymphatic system flows smooth as a stream with a purifying power that allows all of your body's organs to function optimally.

Take several of these breaths and with your next inhaling breath, reconnect to the seat of the water element and as you exhale continue to sense a stream of healing energy bathing all of your muscles, ligaments and tendons, lubricating all of your joints with soft suppleness and flexibility.

Here you begin to experience greater ease with your emotional being.  Infused with the quality of fluidity, you can nourish your relationships and allow yourself to flow through life with greater equanimity.

And with this greater sense of equanimity, you naturally embrace all of life's transitions more easily and readily allow yourself to flow with the stream of life at each moment of your life's journey.

Begin to affirm the essential nature of fluidity throughout your being by repeating the following Mantra 3 times either aloud or silently:

“With greater fluidity throughout my being, I move through life smoothly and easily.”

“With greater fluidity throughout my being, I move through life smoothly and easily.”

“With greater fluidity throughout my being, I move through life smoothly and easily.”

Slowly release this gesture, butterfly open your eyelids and take a few moments to absorb water's healing essence. 

By repeating this meditation regularly, I hope you can begin to instill some emotional fluidity to help you cultivate the ability to flow with the seasons and cycles of life and experience inner comfort, ease and overall wellbeing.  I hope today’s meditation leaves you savoring life’s sweetness more completely.  

The light in me sees and honors the light brightly lit within you -
